Energy Efficient Terrace Door Solutions

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terrace doors

Energy Efficient Terrace Doors

We take pride in providing terrace doors that anyone can use. For this, we look into the different American's with Disabilities requirements. Doors have different requirements than windows to accommodate wheelchairs, walkers, and other assistant machinery. Doors need to have an 80" minimum vertical clearance, 32" clear opening, and 1/2" sill height. Not everyone would think about is how handles project into the door opening. Anything that projects into the door opening cannot be more than 4". There can be no projections below 34". All of these requirements help ensure anyone can use the door. Peerless terrace doors come thermally broken and compression sealed for the best air, water, and energy efficiency. If you have any questions about our terrace doors, please reach out to your Business Development Owner.

  • Performance Data
  GTD2-Inswing GTD2-Outswing GTD5-Inswing GTD5-Outswing
Frame Depth 3.25" 3.25" 4.25" 4.25"
Typical Wall Thickness 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
AAMA Rating AW 100 AW 100 AW 100 AW 100
Test Size 48" x 96" 48" x 96" 48" x 96" 48" x 96"
Structural PSF 150 psf 150 psf 150 psf 150 psf
Air CFM/SF <0.1 CFM/SF <0.1 CFM/SF <0.1 CFM/SF <0.1 CFM/SF
Water PSF 12 lb 12 lb 12 lb 12 lb
U-Value | U-Factor 0.35 0.35 0.32 0.32
STC 27-35 27-35 27-35 27-35
OITC 37-40 37-40 37-40 37-40
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