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Intellectual Property and Privacy Policy

The company takes intellectual property very seriously and respects the intellectual property of others.  We have developed this policy and process to handle intellectual property and privacy concerns.  In the event that intellectual property, trademarks, copywrites, or privacy concerns arise, please contact us using the email address or mailing address below.  We will address all concerns in a timely fashion. 

Sales requests to the Email or address below will be ignored.



Peerless Products Attn: IT Department

2403 S. Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701

When submitting an intellectual property or privacy concern to us, please include the following information:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Description of the intellectual property or privacy concern
  • Statement that attests that you or your organization are the legal copywrite owner or the subject of a privacy concern

Again, we take intellectual property rights very seriously and we will investigate all concerns that are submitted to us using this process.  Thank you.

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