What have we done to protect our employees during COVID-19?
We have implemented many process changes in order to keep our employees safe and healthy during this trying time.
As an essential business, we have had to make many changes in our facilities in order to keep our employees and the community safe. Currently, we are not allowing any business travel or visitors into our facility.
The first change was, we now have 5 people dedicated to sanitizing the buildings during the day, as well as, having Deep Clean Fridays. Included in this change was adding more hand cleaning stations throughout the plant. Just this week we have added tissues at each door to use while opening in order to maintain a no-contact workplace.

Another change we implemented was the 6ft distancing rule.

We printed and placed markers on the floors in our Fort Scott & Nevada facility to keep everyone at a safe distance.

Desks were spaced out to maintain distance.

Some office personnel was moved to our Nevada location as well.

Lunchtimes were staggered out and new picnic tables were spread out to make sure everyone was at least 6 ft away during lunch.
The next task was to get everyone wearing a facemask to further our prevention. To do this with over 400 employees we knew we would have to go the DIY route, so we formed a sewing taskforce and purchased 6 sewing machines.

The team went to work, but in the meantime, employees wore bandanas or whatever they could find until masks could be made and distributed.

Now that all the Peerless employees have masks we turned to help out by continuing to make masks and donate them to other local businesses in need.

12 masks were donated to the Missouri Organic Pecan Company in Deerfield, MO.

14 masks were donated to Ascension Care Via Christi ER in Fort Scott, KS.

30 masks were donated to Franklin House, a home care facility in Fort Scott, KS.
If a company or nursing home you know needs masks, please let us know, we may be able to donate some. Please contact Dave Elliot at delliott@peerlessproducts.com or call 620.223.4610 and ask for Dave if you know someone we can help with masks.
Over 677+ masks have been donated to the local community!