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Sarah Lero
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AAMA Window Efficiency & Performance Ratings

AAMA window ratings evaluate durability, performance, and energy efficiency of windows to ensure quality and standards compliance.

Recently AAMA, American Architectural Manufacturing Association, and IGMA, Insulating Glass Manufacturing Alliance, have joined forces to create an even stronger organization called FGIA or Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance, designed to focus on bettering the glass and framing industry. Part of propelling the industry forward is education; choosing the right product for a building is crucial to a building's overall performance. The first step is knowing if you need an AW, CW, LC, or R rated window. 

What is a R Window (Residential)?

Commonly used in one- and two-family dwellings. R windows are air and water tested, but no test is conducted to measure the life of the window or to measure torsion. R windows there is no requirement for maximum allowable deflection of unsupported spans.

Example of Building with R windows.

Residential Building

What is a LC Window? (Light Commercial)

Commonly used in low-rise and mid-rise multi-family dwellings and other buildings where larger sizes and higher loading requirements are expected. LC windows are air and water tested, but no test is conducted
to measure the life of the window or to measure torsion. LC windows there is no requirement for maximum allowable deflection of unsupported spans.

Example of Building with Light Commercial Windows.

LC Building

What is a CW window? (Commercial Windows)

Commonly used in low- and mid-rise buildings where larger sizes, higher wind loading requirements, limits on deflection, and heavy use are expected. CW windows are air and water tested, but no test is conducted to measure the life of the window or to measure torsion. CW windows are also tested at a smaller test size than AW windows and have a lower performance grade.

Example of Building with Commerical Windows. 

Commercial Building

What is a AW Window? (Architectural Window)

Architectural Windows are rated according to Fenestration & Glazing Industrial Alliance (FGIA). AW is the highest quality rated window available. Commonly used in mid- and high-rise buildings to meet increased loading requirements and limits on deflection, and in buildings where frequent and extreme use of the fenestration products are expected. An AW rating means that the window was Lifecycle Tested, which verifies the durability of the window. This test shows our products’ ability to maintain required or expected performance levels throughout reasonably long service life. Life cycle testing models the normal wear that can be expected due to the typical number of basic operating cycles and locking hardware opening/ closing cycles experienced during the life of a typical AW class product. Air leakage and water penetration tests are conducted both before and after life-cycling to evaluate any performance changes. There must be no damage to hardware and other components that would render the window inoperable. Life cycle testing ensures that a window is durable and will last for years.

Example of Building with AW windows. 

M Line  M Line interior

Comparison of Window Performance Ratings

Performance Comparison

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