How to Stop Birds from Flying into Windows: Bird Safe Glass
New technology to provide clear views for humans and a warning for birds!
Why bird safe glass?
Over the years scientists have noticed that as more all-glass buildings have become popular that it is highly affecting the bird population and migration patterns, estimations show between one hundred million and one billion birds die every year in collisions with buildings and of the birds affected migratory birds are top on the list. The cause of these numbers comes from some contributing factors, tall all-glass buildings, bird's attraction to light that is amplified by reflective glass surfaces, and birds not being able to see glass.
Many states and other code-compliant organizations are implementing more and more laws and codes to help mitigate the problem, some are listed below, but more are being added regularly.
New York when "the exterior wall envelope and associated openings be constructed with bird-friendly materials up to 75 feet above grade. Materials other than bird-friendly materials are not allowed to exceed a total of 10 square feet within any 10- by 10-foot square area of exterior wall below 75 feet above grade. The law also specifies that in instances where a building renovation includes the replacement of all exterior glazing, the alteration must comply with the updated building code."
Chicago Ordinace 020-136 states that more LEED points are given to buildings in Chicago that use bird-friendly glazing and lighting
California Bill AB 454
LEED v4 Points are awarded for bird safety as part of the Innovation and Design (ID) category it is titled Bird Collison Deterrence which mainly focuses on the first 4 floors where birds collide with glass more often.
We offer two different types of bird safe glass, digital etch, and uv coating for glass.
Digital Etch
A coating in the glass that is visible to people and birds comes in a few different patterns.
Small Dots

Large Dots

Line Pattern

UV Coating for Glass
The UV coating is visible to birds and not to humans unless with UV light. This gives a more aesthetically pleasing view of the overall building as well as for end-users looking out the windows. (Image from provider of UV coated glass)

For a direct comparison of the different options watch the video below!
For more information on bird glass check out these sites: or
For help on your next project or more information on bird safe glass reach out to us through our request to quote page!