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Peerless Blog

How to Stop Birds from Flying into Windows: Bird Safe Glass

New technology to provide clear views for humans and a warning for birds!

Sarah Lero 0 3122 Article rating: No rating

Bird safety has been on people's minds since the 1900s when some of the first laws were enacted. Building and glass enhancements over the years have caused more problems for birds that we now should be taking into consideration when designing new buildings. 

AAMA Window Efficiency & Performance Ratings

AAMA window ratings evaluate durability, performance, and energy efficiency of windows to ensure quality and standards compliance.

Sarah Lero 0 20834 Article rating: 4.3

Recently AAMA, American Architectural Manufacturing Association, and IGMA, Insulating Glass Manufacturing Alliance, have joined forces to create an even stronger organization called FGIA or Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance, designed to focus on bettering the glass and framing industry. Part of propelling the industry forward is education; choosing the right product for a building is crucial to a building's overall performance. The first step is knowing if you need an AW, CW, LC, or R rated window. 

As Seen on Forbes!

Sarah Lero 0 6290 Article rating: No rating

Peerless Marketing Manager, Sarah Lero, is a member of the Forbes Communication Council, an invite-only council for Senior-Level Executives and Management. 

Fresh air ventilation in Multi-family buildings

Small sightlines and all-glass facades are beautiful, but could they be contributing to the health problems?

Sarah Lero 0 5626 Article rating: 3.0

 Did you know there is such a thing as indoor air pollution? The University of Rochester Medical Center says, "Some indoor air pollutants have been around for years. But they often were weakened by outdoor air seeping into the home. Today's more energy-efficient homes don't let as much outdoor air get inside." So, is our "green" buildings harming the occupant's health? 

What have we done to protect our employees during COVID-19?

We have implemented many process changes in order to keep our employees safe and healthy during this trying time.

Sarah Lero 0 5138 Article rating: 2.3

Peerless is dedicated to keeping our employees safe and taking all the recommended precautions. Thank you to all of our employees for being invested in the necessary changes, and thinking about each other.

How do Antimicrobial coatings work? | Antimicrobial Powder Coating for Interior Surfaces

Anti-microbial powder coating is custom-formulated coatings that suppress the active growth of micro-organisms.

Sarah Lero 0 6281 Article rating: 5.0

In the world's uncertain times, are we thinking about what we can do in the future to help keep our environments we live and work in from progressing the growth of bacteria?  Have you been starting to educate yourself on the different technologies available in the industry? 


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